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From the Frontier

By Amy AtwoodPosted March 31, 2020
Joseph Martin played an instrumental role in the westward movement.
Martin Station plays an important role in American history

Backyard birding – tips to get started

By Jessica BowserPosted March 27, 2020
Backyard birding may be your newest hobby.
Red-bellied Woodpecker can be seen without binoculars

Spring in Paradise

By Brenna GeraghtyPosted March 16, 2020
Relax and explore the tranquil Paradise Garden at Chippokes State Park
Chamomile flowers

Stories from the Trail: The Austins, Lead, and the Father of Texas

By Guest BloggerPosted March 05, 2020
It was through this small town in Southwest Virginia that fortunes were made, dreams became reality, and history was born. Virginia and Texas may be great distances away, but they will forever be connected. 
Bridge crossing a small portion of the New River.

Experience Sky Meadows State Park’s Sensory Explorers’ Trail

By Guest BloggerPosted September 14, 2019
The new Sensory Explorers' Trail at Sky Meadows State Park is full of learning opportunities and enjoyment for all park visitors, with special adaptations for the visually, hearing and mobility impaired visitors.
No matter your age or ability, connect your senses to nature with Sky Meadows’ newest trail, the Sensory Explorers’ Trail.

Passengers of the White Lion: Enslavement at Chippokes and Beyond

By Brenna GeraghtyPosted August 11, 2019
In August of 1619, a small foreign ship rocked the lives of Virginia colonists, bringing passengers who would change the course of history, not to mention that of Chippokes.
Looking across the river from Chippokes, curious onlookers would have been able to see the Dutch cargo ship in August 1619

Before Chippokes: A Year with the Quiyoughcohannock

By Brenna GeraghtyPosted May 21, 2019
Find out who lived here before Chippokes was founded in 1619.
Every part of the Quiyoughcohannocks

Top 5 Ways History Flows at Pocahontas State Park

By Guest BloggerPosted May 06, 2019
Our history may not be as visible as other parks, but guests will be surprised by the history that hides in plain sight.
 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Field - This location hosted the CCC’s camp that consisted of 23 buildings including their barracks, mess hall, and a boxing ring at Pocahontas State Park, Virginia

Life to Springs

By Tom KneippPosted April 09, 2019
Sometimes a renewed intermittent spring just appears for a while then fades, seeping up from underground just above the bedrock layer. Learn more about these at Bear Creek Lake State Park.
Spring House. This spring was most likely framed in the late 1930s at the time Bear Creek Lake was being developed as a recreation area. You would have heard tin cups here on a hot summer day.

Spring Has Finally Sprung at Shenandoah River State Park

By Guest BloggerPosted April 06, 2019
It's been a long, snowy winter but, now winter's grip has finally started to loosen.
Virginia Bluebells at Shenandoah River State Park

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